This how the finished product looks like. Why did I choose Chemicon LXZ? I chose the LXZ series because of that is what I had. I could have gone with something else, but for this low end board, the LXZ would have sufficed.
Yanz over at badcaps forums has a very useful Table that compares the specs for various capacitors. Say a 470uF 6.3V LXZ I chose has an impedance of 0.18 Ohm@ 100kHz 25C and a rated ripple current of 400mA @ 105 C. Just to put things in perspective an OSCON 6SEPC470M has an ESR of 8mOhm@300kHz (the freq rating is important and that will be discussed in another article), RMS Ripple current rating of 5700mA@100kHz and a leakage current of 592 uA @ ??? C (datasheet does not explicitly state the temperature in the tables).
Anyway, the point is, did I choose the best caps? Yes. Check the ripple current rating for the KY\KZE series. Very close to the LXZ I chose. Things get muddled up if you do not double check the temperature and compare correct quantities.
Anyway, the finished product looks like this:-
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